Company statement on Covid–19
Here at Sutcliffe Play we acknowledge that there is no higher priority than the safety of our customers, our partners, our employees, and their families during this pandemic.
We continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation very carefully and our actions are guided by the latest advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England. We are regularly updating employees on the situation and on necessary precautions to take based upon expert advice. We will adhere to strict requirements and will continue to do so to ensure our employees are safe and our operations are being run safely.
We have implemented operational continuity plans within our workforce to ensure we have sufficient resources to keep our factory running safely and that products can be manufactured for our customers. Workers are advised to maintain good hygiene standards around the workplace and on site by following the advice from the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) website.
As a business we are taking all reasonable measures to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to our team members, our customers, and our business and our detailed risk assessment can be viewed here if required.
Details of our Play Area risk assessment can be found here…COVID 19 Playground Risk Assessment 18.08.21