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Telescombe Play Areas, East Sussex

Client: Telscombe Town Council

Cost: £112,000

Date: 01/07/2013

Genre: Landscape, Community, Youth

Three exciting new playgrounds for Telscombe Town Council

Working with Telscombe Town Council on the simultaneous refurbishment of three playgrounds across the town proved to be an exciting project.

The £112,000 project refurbished the playgrounds which had originally been built over 20 years ago. It took place over a five week period so the facilities could be opened in time for the summer holiday, providing the community with an important meeting place for families.

The council consulted local residents associations, park users, the general public, playgroups and local schoolchildren on what changes they would like to see installed in the new playgrounds. Pupils from local schools visited the site during construction to help the contractors mark out their new playgrounds.

Each one of the playgrounds featured a piece of equipment that is new to the Sutcliffe Play range.

The Mayor, Councillor Brendon Rossiter, says: “The playgrounds have been transformed into attractive areas for residents and visitors to picnic and relax in. Children from a wide age and ability range now have the opportunity to enjoy up to date play equipment designed to help their physical and social development.”

Robert Kingan Playground

The Robert Kingan playground in Bannings Vale, East Saltdean was the first to be reopened.

The £20,000 project has refreshed existing features and seen the installation of new equipment to create a challenging and inclusive play area for children of all ages.

This is the first playground to have Sutcliffe Play’s two bay flat and nest swing combination which allowed for greater variety for the children whilst improving the inclusivity the company to install swings into a small space.

Other equipment installed a Pull Up Toddlerzone unit that caters for all abilities and a Dish Roundabout, one of Sutcliffe Play’s most inclusive products.

The playground was funded by Telscombe Town Council and a £10,000 grant from National Lottery Awards for All.

Ambleside Avenue Playground

The second playground opened shortly afterwards on Ambleside Avenue, Chatsworth South, Lewes.

The £32,000 project is one of the first places in the country to install Sutcliffe Play’s Orchard range. Orchard is a range of environmentally friendly timber play equipment which encourages physical, challenging play and social interaction.

The wood-based clamber units and trim trails have been designed to fulfil many of the developmental needs of children and are suitable for a wide range of ages and abilities.

Other equipment installed also includes Goal Ends with a unique sound-insulation system to keep noise at bay for nearby residents, swings, two trampolines and a boulder and log meeting place that fits in with the natural environment.

The playground was funded by Telscombe Town Council and a £20,000 contribution from The Peacehaven Big Parks Project

Kirby Drive Playground

The final playground to be reopened on Kirby Drive, Chatworth Park was opened by MP for Brighton, Kemptown, Mr Simon Kirby.

The £60,000 project involved removing of much of the 20 year old wooden-frame play equipment and replacing it with new, modern, interactive equipment that will give children and young people aged 3- 12 the maximum potential for fun and adventures.

For older children, a new tunnel slide and grass bank creates an inclusive, adventurous and challenging piece of equipment in a natural setting. Sutcliffe Play’s new Mission Protocol and Mission glide wire has also been installed. This is designed to encourage high energy and invigorating play that will help keep children fit and active.

The project’s improved landscaping and additional picnic bench seating is designed to make an attractive environment to encourage carers and parents to spend time in the play space and make maximum use of the new facilities. Areas of tarmac and stretches of wood-edging have also been removed and replaced with attractive, coloured safety-surfacing.

Mr Kirby MP adds, “The new play area is a terrific addition to local facilities in Telscombe. It will cater for a range of ages and provide new and interesting experiences. I pass on my congratulations to everyone who took part in this project. It is a great result!”

The playground was funded by Telscombe Town Council and a £20,000 contribution from The Veolia Environmental Trust which awarded a grant through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Playground Equipment:

Robert Kingan Playground

Pull up Toddlerzone – A toddler unit which caters for all abilities, with a shallow drag ramp access and transfer platform that any child with upper body strength can play on, incorporating three challenging levels of access.

Trampoline x 2 – The trampolines are suitable for children of all ages and abilities. This product is situated at ground level therefore it can be used to maximises the play value of the safety surfacing in all playgrounds environments. They encourage social, physical and inclusive play.

Seesaw Springie – Imaginative, exhilarating and fun to ride. They have easy grip hand and foot holds with anti-slip ends. Ground fixed, they are easy to maintain as the spring can be easily removed from the top and bottom fixings.

Dish Roundabout: One of Sutcliffe Play’s most inclusive items, this rotating dish can be used for very fast, dynamic play. The rocking and rotating motion combined with the body support and security given by the dish shape make this dish accessible to all.

2.4m Swing with 2 x Bumper Seats & Nest: This swing set’s bumper seats have a smooth rounded edge, ergonomically designed to help children learn to swing.  Designed to hold several young children and those with special needs, this nest swing encourages teamwork in play.

Ambleside Playground

Goal Ends – Where room and budgets are limited, but a ball game area is required, these stand-alone football and basketball goal ends work well. The units shown are standard but the range is modular and flexible, so should you wish to alter the height of either the rebound barriers or the basketball hoop, it is possible to do so.

Orchard – A new range of wood-based clamber units and trim trails, has been designed to fulfil many of the developmental needs of children from the ages of 6-14 years old.  The range is suitable for a wide range of ages and abilities, and encourages inclusive play. As well as providing exciting play opportunities for able-bodied children, many of the products in the range also incorporate a range of challenges for children who have more difficulty accessing play.

Large Trampoline – suitable for all ages and encourages dynamic, social, physical and inclusive play.

Trawler Play Structure – A toddler unit which caters for all abilities and incorporates varying levels of difficulty and encourages social play.

Playdale Swing (4 x Pod  Seats) – the pod seat featured in this swing set is a revolutionary, technically superior seat for toddlers. Advanced rubber technology around stainless steel cables gives it flexibility, so the pod actually ‘hugs’ the child.

Kirby Drive Playground

Mission Protocol & Glide – The glide adds a compact exciting zip-line to any area. Requiring upper body strength to hang from the rubber hand ring. The glide speeds down to a gentle stop spring, and a tether is incorporated to bring the trolley back to the start.

Inclusive Nest Swing: Designed to hold several young children and those with special needs, this nest swing encourages teamwork in play.

1.8m High Pod Seat Swing: Produced for more than 20 years, Sutcliffe Play’s swings are particularly robust as they are manufactured using hot dipped galvanised steel.   The pod seat featured in this swing set is a revolutionary, technically superior seat for toddlers. Advanced rubber technology around stainless steel cables gives it flexibility, so the pod actually ‘hugs’ the child.

Hide & Slide Toddlerzone Unit:  This unit offers three levels of access to a 1.2m high slide: up a ramp, a ladder or a ring climb. There is hidden social seating under the main deck, where little ones can sit, chat and hide, and look-out binoculars at the highest point.

Dish Roundabout: One of Sutcliffe Play’s most inclusive items, this rotating dish can be used for very fast, dynamic play. The rocking and rotating motion combined with the body support and security given by the dish shape make this dish accessible to all.

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