Sutcliffe Play saves Brackley Park!
Design and Build
Sutcliffe Play designed the area to meet the ‘deed of wishes’ from the donor of the land. Toby Knight, Area Sales Manager from Sutcliffe Play says: “Whilst our client was Brackley Town Council, the site for the play area (Brackley Park) is leased from the National Trust and so we designed the area to be as sympathetic to the National Trust’s play policy as possible. The colour of the equipment was toned down to fit into the Park’s surroundings.”Mrs Sue Crouch Town Clerk says; “The play areas were worn out and unsafe since the Town Council could no longer obtain the parts for the original equipment. We wanted to create an exciting and secure area where parents and grandparents could bring their children to play. Sutcliffe Play has created a play area which we know will be enjoyed by Brackley residents for a long time to come.”
The design of the play area, which includes a Multiplay unit, a spring seesaw and a trampoline was chosen after a public consultation in the Town Hall. Three companies were invited to display proposals and after a public vote the Sutcliffe Play design was selected.